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The 6th Grade Team


Hi! I am

Mr. Grosdidier 

I am from Murrieta, CA but went to college at BYU. I previously taught 6th Grade in Santaquin at Orchard Hills Elementary. I live with my wife and our 1 year-old daughter in Spanish Fork. I love the beach, Dodger Baseball games, reading, and all kinds of sports! I am so excited to teach at Spanish Oaks this year!

Hi! I am

Ms. Hauber

I am originally from Magna, Utah (a little town up near Salt Lake City). I lived there my whole life until I moved to Provo to start studying at BYU. I spent a few years there as well as a year and a half in Spain. I just graduated from BYU in April and so this is my first year teaching! I am thrilled to be able to spend it here with you at Spanish Oaks. Some of my favorite things include hiking, singing, watching sports, traveling, eating ice cream and spending time with my family.

Amber Hauber (2).jpeg

Hi! I am

Mrs. McClain

This is my second year teaching at Spanish Oaks Elementary and I am excited to spend it with you and your family! I never quite know where to say I am from; I have lived in California, Oregon, New York and Brazil. I am currently living in Provo with my husband, Jefferson. We have been married for two years and enjoy cooking, rock climbing and traveling together. 

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